Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Enter the "Options" screen, then select the "Cheat Codes" option.
Enter one of the following codes.
Result Code
All paint jobs - R4MONE
All tracks - MATTL66
All tracks and mini games - IF900HP
Bonus mini game - TRGTEXC
Unlimited boost - VROOOOM
Fast start - IMSPEED
Concept art - CONC3PT
Movie clips - WATCHIT
All cars - YAYCARS
Avoid getting lost:
If you ever get lost in the desert, follow Mater or any other car without
bumping into them. They will take you back to Radiator Springs.
Lightning bolt:
The first stripe (near the fire house) of the new road is actually a
lightning bolt.
Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: RM
Enter the "Options" screen, then select the "Cheat Codes" option.
Enter one of the following codes.
Result Code
All paint jobs - R4MONE
All tracks - MATTL66
All tracks and mini games - IF900HP
Bonus mini game - TRGTEXC
Unlimited boost - VROOOOM
Fast start - IMSPEED
Concept art - CONC3PT
Movie clips - WATCHIT
All cars - YAYCARS
Avoid getting lost:
If you ever get lost in the desert, follow Mater or any other car without
bumping into them. They will take you back to Radiator Springs.
Lightning bolt:
The first stripe (near the fire house) of the new road is actually a
lightning bolt.
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