Castle Clout - Return of the King
Submitted by: RM
In build your own mode, put a ton of kings on the ground and put
soldiers on top of them. When you click "Play", they will fall
down and there will be fireworks!
Power explosion:
To make this happen you need to put a bunch of soldiers, then fire
bombs into the air to send them packing. (Use at least 50 soldiers
to make it happen.
Be carful, count the soldiers to make the explosion work.
Try using kings everywhere.
Submitted by: RM
In build your own mode, put a ton of kings on the ground and put
soldiers on top of them. When you click "Play", they will fall
down and there will be fireworks!
Power explosion:
To make this happen you need to put a bunch of soldiers, then fire
bombs into the air to send them packing. (Use at least 50 soldiers
to make it happen.
Be carful, count the soldiers to make the explosion work.
Try using kings everywhere.
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